Can Lower Eyelids Be Droopy?

As you age it can impact the look of your eyes. You may wonder, can lower eyelids be droopy? Your age and certain lifestyle habits can cause you to have bags and dark circles under your eyes. This can make you look much older, tired, and negatively impact your overall appearance. Below you will find helpful information on how to address droopy lower eyelids so you can look your best.

Can Lower Eyelids Be Droopy?

If you look in the mirror and see dark circles and bags under your eyes every day, it can negatively impact your self-image and confidence. Sometimes droopy lower eyelids are caused by the effect of aging, but other times they can be due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. Below you will find the most common causes of lower eyelid bags.


As you age the collagen and elastin in your skin depletes. This begins around your late 20s and continues throughout your entire life. This causes your skin to lose its elasticity and can cause saggy lower eyelids.

Sun Exposure:

Unprotected sun exposure can cause a number of issues with your skin, including fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. This is because the ultraviolet rays accelerate the breakdown of collagen in your skin. It is crucial to include SPF into your daily routine.

Sleep Issues:

Continuous sleep deprivation can lead to undereye sagging, bags, and dark circles. Sleep issues can cause your skin to look dull and pale, which can make dark circles more obvious. It can also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes making them look puffy. Sleep is an integral part of your overall health and can have lasting impacts on your appearance if not addressed. It is recommended that adults get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. If you go more than one week without good sleep, contact your medical provider for support.


Smokers often see the impacts of aging much sooner. Smoking impacts the collagen and elastin in your skin. This can impact the elasticity of your skin which leads to sagging. It is best for your appearance and overall health to quit smoking due to its negative impacts.

Lower Eyelid Surgery in Newport Beach

Lower eyelid surgery in Newport Beach is the most effective option for addressing issues with your lower eyelids. The surgery can take years off of your face and help make your eyes appear more rested and youthful. If you are interested in Newport Beach eyelid surgery, contact Dr. Jeffrey Joseph. He is an ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeon experienced and highly skilled in lower eyelid surgery. Dr. Joseph uses a unique approach unlike other surgeons as he tailors your surgery to meet your specific goals and address your unique concerns.

The process begins with a consultation which can help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. The consultation is a great time to ask questions and share your expectations to ensure this is the right procedure for you. During the consultation, Dr. Joseph will assess your skin, including the amount of volume loss and changes in the structures around your eyes. He will also assess your behaviors, including your sleep, diet, and certain exposures, which can exacerbate your undereye area issues. This is important as you’ll need to adapt post-surgery as to ensure your results last.

Once it has been determined that you are a good candidate, you can move forward with the procedure. The procedure itself takes between one to two hours, but you can go home the same day. The recovery time can take between 10 to 12 days, but you should be back to your normal daily routine within two weeks. It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure optimal healing. The results can be seen at the six-week mark and are long-lasting as long as you take good care of your skin and maintain a healthy lifestyle.