Risks and Safeguards of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with cosmetic eyelid surgery. But the right surgeon will know how to balance the risks and safeguards of cosmetic eyelid surgery to improve outcomes and results. At Dr. Joseph’s practice in Orange County, he takes every possible measure to reduce eyelid surgery risks and deliver a safe, effective, and positive cosmetic eyelid experience.

Top Risks of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Some of the risks and complications that patients should be aware of include:

  1. Scarring: All surgeries involve some level of scarring, and Asian blepharoplasty is no exception. The amount of scarring can vary depending on the technique used and the individual patient’s healing process.
  2. Infection: Infection is a risk with any surgical procedure. Patients may be prescribed antibiotics before and after surgery to help prevent infection.
  3. Bleeding: Bleeding can occur during and after surgery. In rare cases, patients may require additional surgery to stop the bleeding.
  4. Eyelid asymmetry: It is possible for one eyelid to heal differently from the other, resulting in asymmetry. This can be corrected with additional surgery if necessary.
  5. Numbness: Patients may experience temporary or permanent numbness in the eyelid area after surgery.
  6. Dry eyes: Patients may experience dry eyes after surgery due to changes in the eyelid anatomy. This can typically be managed with eye drops.
  7. Vision changes: In rare cases, patients may experience changes in vision after surgery.

Specific Upper Eyelid Risk Concerns

When considering upper eyelid lift surgery or upper blepharoplasty, there is also the risk of over-aggressive surgery leading to the inability to close the eyes properly after surgery.

Specific Lower Eyelid Risk Concerns

When considering under eye bag surgery or lower eyelid blepharoplasty, overaggressive surgery or poor surgical technique can lead to the lower lids pulling down away from the eye, something called eyelid retraction or ectropion.

How does Dr. Joseph prevent complications and poor outcomes after cosmetic eyelid surgery?


Dr. Joseph is a board-certified surgeon specializing exclusively in eyelid and eye-centered cosmetic facial plastic surgery. He is a member of a small group of specialists that are fellowship trained in ophthalmic plastic surgery.


By dedicating his practice to the unique and specialized field of eyelid plastic surgery, Dr. Joseph performs hundreds of cosmetic surgeries each year and has performed thousands of cosmetic eyelid surgeries over his career.

A customized plan:

Aging is a unique process for each person, especially around our eyes. That means eye plastic surgery cannot be a one-size fits all approach. Each delicate structure around the eye can change in its own unique and complex way. Through his experience and training, Dr. Joseph brings various high-level techniques to address the various potential changes that happen as the eyelids age.

That means he will plan the right combination for you to create beautiful and balanced results that respect the natural anatomy and relationships of the eyelids, the eyes, the brows, the midface, and all the unique features that make our eyes so important in defining our facial identity and emotion. That also means that the intricate and sensitive function and physiology of the eyelids will be preserved to maintain and protect the health of our eyes and vision.

Surgical technique:

Dr. Joseph is a trained microsurgeon with the skills and physical ability essential when working with the delicate and fragile areas around the eyes. In a body area where fractions of a millimeter make a difference, it takes the highest level of surgical skill to achieve the best and safest results.

How can YOU help prevent complications and poor outcomes after cosmetic blepharoplasty?

To prevent complications and poor outcomes after cosmetic eyelid surgery, it is important to carefully follow all pre- and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. Here are some tips to help minimize the risks of complications and improve the likelihood of a successful outcome:

Choose a cosmetic eyelid surgery specialist like Dr. Joseph:

Choosing a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon with extensive experience in eyelid surgery means your surgeon has the highest level of training and experience to plan and execute the perfect customized surgical approach for you.

Discuss your medical history:

Make sure to disclose your complete medical history, including any medications or supplements you are taking and any underlying medical conditions you have.

Follow pre-operative instructions:

Follow your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions carefully. This may include avoiding certain medications or supplements, stopping smoking, and arranging for someone to drive you home after surgery.

Plan for recovery time:

Plan for a period of recovery after surgery, during which you may need to take time off work and avoid strenuous activity.

Follow post-operative instructions:

Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully. This may include using prescribed eye drops or ointments, avoiding certain activities, and attending follow-up appointments.

Be patient with healing:

It can take several weeks or even months for the full results of eyelid surgery to be visible. Be patient with the healing process and avoid judging the results too soon.

Report any concerns promptly:

If you experience any concerning symptoms, such as excessive bleeding, severe pain, or changes in vision, report them to your surgeon right away.

Reduce Risk. Love Your Results.

By following these tips, you can help minimize the risks of complications and improve the likelihood of a successful outcome after cosmetic eyelid surgery. During your consultation, we encourage you to further discuss the risks and safeguards of cosmetic eyelid surgery with Dr. Joseph to learn more.