When to Worry About Eyelid Problems

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The eyes are often considered the windows to the soul. They are usually the first part of the face that someone will notice. Because of this, people usually find it important to keep their eyes and eyelids looking good. Because they play such a huge role in the way we look and express ourselves, they … Read more

Will Eyelid Cancer Spread?

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Eyelid cancer is a type of skin cancer that develops in the eyes. This type of cancer is also known by the name of basal cell carcinoma, or BCC. BUt will eyelid cancer spread? Although this type of cancer is to be taken as seriously as any other type of cancer, there is one element … Read more

How Microneedling Improves Appearance of Surgical Scars

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When you think of eyelid surgery, you probably assume that you will be going under the knife. Fortunately, we have made significant advancements in our oculofacial treatments so we can offer you non-surgical solutions to improve the look and feel of your skin. Microneedling is one of our most popular procedures for patients looking for … Read more

Why Do We Not Like Dark Circles?

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Waking up with dark circles under your eyes can really make your self-esteem take a hit. Instead of being able to enjoy the aging process, you might worry that getting older is going to change the way you look. Dark circles, under-eye bags, and drooping eyelids can all indicate symptoms of aging and skin damage. … Read more

What Are the Best Dermal Fillers for the Face?

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Dermal fillers offer an easy, non-invasive method of plumping the skin. Whether you feel that your aging skin is looking a little lackluster, or you want to add volume to your favorite features, you could benefit greatly from our injectable options. Dermal fillers can spruce up your skin all over your body, but they are … Read more

Why Choose a Mid Facelift?

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Daily care plays a crucial role in achieving your aesthetic and wellness goals. Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, some signs of aging will still persist over time. This leads to a major dip in confidence, self-esteem, and physical wellness. Plastic surgery has become a valuable tool for many looking to improve their overall outlook. This … Read more

Can Illness Cause Dark Circles?

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There might come a time when you wake up to see that your eyes look more sunken, and the skin around them has become dark. If you are struggling to look awake, alert, and healthy, you might be worried that your dark under-eye circles are becoming more apparent. This can lead to questions such as: … Read more

Can You Combine Asian Eyelid Surgery with Other Procedures?

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Eyelid surgery is performed using several techniques that are as diverse as our patients. Everyone deserves a unique approach to cosmetic wellness, and our ophthalmic plastic surgery team prioritizes the harmony of inner and outer health above all else. So, can you combine Asian eyelid surgery with other procedures? Can You Combine Asian Eyelid Surgery … Read more

Mid Facelift Versus Mini and Full Facelift

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If you are considering a facelift, you might have a lot of questions about how the procedure works. Did you know that there are multiple types of facelift procedures available to our Newport Beach patients? Between full facelifts and mini facelifts, there are different ways you can restore youthfulness and self-confidence to your face. If … Read more

How to Prolong Brow Lift Results

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When matched with a top-notch oculoplastic surgeon, you will get top-notch results. Our Orange County brow lift options are some of the best in the area, offering both effectiveness and longevity. Since the signs of aging can appear almost overnight, it can be shocking when patients discover how far their brows have sunk from their … Read more