Eyelash Rejuvenation – Latisse – Newport Beach

The eyelashes are a subtle feature, but when they are lacking or thin, it can make a huge difference in your appearance. For those who are concerned about the thinness of their eyelashes and would like to achieve darker, thicker eyelashes, there is an eyelash rejuvenation solution called Latisse.
Thinness of the eyelashes is a condition referred to as hypotrichosis. There are many possible causes to hypotrichosis that include bacterial growth, rosacea, mites and hormonal issues.
Latisse is an eyelash rejuvenation treatment that helps lashes grow fuller, darker and longer. It is a topical treatment applied to the upper eyelid.

Speak with Dr. Jeffrey Joseph to learn more about the results you can achieve with eyelash rejuvenation treatments like Latisse.

Contact us at our office in Newport Beach to schedule a consultation.

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