Should a Chalazion Be Removed?

Up close concept image of human eye without chalazion

You may not recognize the name, but you likely know what a chalazion is. A chalazion (also referred to as a “stye”) is a small lump that can be found on your eyelid. It develops as a result of a blockage in your eye’s oil glands. There are a number of reasons your oil gland … Read more

Quick Guide to Dry Eyes

Woman experiencing dry eyes and itchiness

Dry eye may sound relatively innocuous, but the people who have it can tell you it absolutely isn’t. The primary symptoms of dry eyes are stinging, burning, and blurred vision. It isn’t just uncomfortable, it directly harms your quality of life. That is why we’re going to spend some longer-overdue time talking about dry eyes. … Read more

Habits That Make Your Face Look Aged

Woman checking herself in the mirror for her face that might look aged.

At some time or another we have all heard that weathered warning that making a face will eventually result in it getting stuck that way. Now your eyes may not be permanently crossed and your tongue may not be permanently stuck out, but our habits certainly do affect the way our faces look over the … Read more

Risk Factors for Skin Cancer

Sun is a key risk factor for skin cancer.

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point during their lifetime. This troubling statistic makes skin cancer the most common cancer among people living in the United States. Fortunately, skin cancer is considered highly treatable in the vast majority of cases. By recognizing your risk factors, protecting your skin, and performing … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more

Aftercare Tips for Fillers

Woman looking great after following aftercare tips for fillers, smiling

Fillers have become the go-to cosmetic treatment over the last few years due to their major benefits. One of the factors in your results lasting is how you take care of your skin after your treatment. Because fillers aren’t permanent, there are proven tips to ensure the longevity of your treatment. Below you will find … Read more

Aging Changes in Your Skin

Woman examining her face in the mirror looking for changes from aging.

Aging comes for us all. It’s a natural process that causes a whole set of normal changes to our bodies, especially our skin. However, the fact that it’s natural doesn’t mean you have to like it. There are actually a number of minimally invasive procedures that can help to smooth out the effects of aging … Read more

Can You Go to the Beach After Dermal Fillers?

Woman at the beach, but not after dermal fillers.

It’s almost summer, so you may be working on your beach body and trying to plan your next sunny vacation. In addition to your beach body, you may want to get some cosmetic treatments to improve the look of your skin. Dermal fillers are one of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment options due to … Read more

What to Know Before Your Eyelid Lift

eyelid surgery patient with dotted lines around eye, gloved hands holding her head

One of the most noticeable effects of aging on one’s face are the upper eyelids. The sagging can appear droopy and add years to your face. Because your eyes are often the first thing people look at when they see you, it can be much more noticeable than any other aging feature. With that, upper … Read more