How a Plastic Surgeon Treats Genetic Dark Circles

Late nights, early mornings, and poor-quality sleep can lead to dark circles. While you can usually overcome this with some good rest, stress relief, and hydrating, persistent dark circles can be difficult to get rid of altogether. Sometimes dark circles are due to genetics which can result in the need for cosmetic intervention. Below you will find how a plastic surgeon treats genetic dark circles and why the cosmetic treatment option is right for you.

How a Plastic Surgeon Treats Genetic Dark Circles

Genetics and Dark Circles

Dark circles can end up caused by a variety of factors, including your genetics. Family history plays a part in the composition of your skin and facial structure. Those with thinner skin around their eyes can have more prominent-looking blood vessels under their eyes. This can create the appearance of dark circles. Genetics can also play a part in the level of pigment in your skin. This can result in more melanin around your eyes which can make the skin under your eyes darker and more prominent. Despite your dark circles being caused by genetics, there are solutions to the issue if you are unhappy with the look of your under eyes.

How a Plastic Surgeon Treats Genetic Dark Circles

Dark circles can make you look tired and aged. There are a number of causes of dark circles, including genetics. For example, some people have thinner skin under their eyes, which can make dark circles much more noticeable. Other genetic factors include the natural shape of your eye, bone structure, and skin tone as they can all contribute to the appearance of dark circles. These genetic factors can end up exacerbated by the natural aging process, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.

There are a number of treatment options that can address dark circles. Determining what treatment is right for you begins with a consultation. Depending on the severity of your dark circles, there are both surgical and non-surgical treatment options.

Non-Surgical Dark Circle Treatment

The most effective non-surgical dark circles treatment in Newport Beach involves dermal fillers. You can customize the treatment to meet your unique needs. Dermal fillers remain a reliable and trusted treatment option for dark circles. The most common type: a hyaluronic acid filler. Your specialist can inject it into the tear trough area underneath your eyes. This can add volume and reduce the appearance of dark circles. The treatment works fast and smooth as it can take less than 30 minutes. You can even go back to your daily routine without issue. While this proves effective in treating dark circles, it does not stay as a permanent solution. So you will need to receive additional treatments (usually every 6 to 18 months).

Surgical Dark Circle Treatment

For those with more severe dark circles, eyelid surgery in Newport Beach may be a better treatment fit. Lower eyelid surgery, also referred to as “lower blepharoplasty,” can treat a variety of under eye issues, including dark circles. The treatment can also smooth out fine lines under your eyes, remove sagging skin, and leave your eyes looking refreshed and youthful. Lower eyelid surgery is essentially a permanent solution as the results are long-lasting. A healthy lifestyle and effective skincare routine can ensure your results last.

Dark Circle Treatment in Newport Beach

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your under eyes, consider dark circle treatment at Jeffrey Joseph Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery. Dr. Joseph and his team are skilled in a number of non-surgical and surgical cosmetic treatment options. They are focused on helping you achieve your desired aesthetic, including getting rid of your dark circles. Contact their office today to schedule a consultation!