Best Age for FaceTite

FaceTite is a revolutionary technology that allows a licensed practitioner to reduce fat and tighten skin at the treatment site without surgical intervention. This non-surgical procedure can be used on anyone in good enough health to qualify, but it is generally best suited to patients with mild to moderate signs of aging. Let’s look at the best age for FaceTite.

Best Age for FaceTite

Of course, when you personally encounter mild to moderate signs of aging will depend on a number of factors. Genetics, sun exposure, and certain lifestyle choices can all affect the age at which wrinkles begin to appear. With that said, the average patient who is likely to benefit most from FaceTite in Orange County is going to be in their 30s or 40s.

What Is FaceTite?

FaceTite is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses radio frequency assisted lipolysis to melt fat cells and stimulate the surrounding skin. By using this technology, your doctor can reduce the size of small pockets of fat while encouraging your skin to tighten and produce natural collagen.

How Does FaceTite Work?

Radio frequency-assisted lipolysis works by passing carefully controlled heat through the skin and into the fat. It is just strong enough to melt targeted fat cells, causing them to be drained by the body as a waste product.

This same heat stimulates the natural healing processes used by your skin. Part of this response causes the skin to tighten slightly. The other part of this response increases the production of collagen. Collagen helps to plump up your skin to give it that youthful bounce while filling in any existing lines or small wrinkles.

What to Expect with FaceTite?

If you decide to have FaceTite, then you will want to set about an hour aside for the procedure. You may need longer if you are treating more than one site. The whole procedure usually happens right in your doctor’s office.

  • Step 1: When setting up in the room, the treatment area will receive a topical anesthetic. Once the anesthetic has set in, your treatment provider will start.
  • Step 2: Now, FaceTite is technically non-surgical because you generally don’t need stitches or extended healing. However, your provider will need to make a very small incision to insert the cannula. For FaceTite to work the radiofrequency has to be transmitted between two parallel arms, one beneath the skin and one above.
  • Step 3: With the cannula inserted, treatment will begin. Your provider will carefully direct the machine into the areas where treatment is required. You may feel some heat during the procedure but it should not cause any pain.
  • Step 4: After 30 minutes or so per site your treatment will be complete. The incision site will remain bandaged. And you will then find yourself ready to go.

What Is Involved in Recovery?

There is essentially no recovery period following FaceTite. You may want to take some time to rest and refrain from strenuous activity for a few days. Other than that, all you really have to do is keep the incision site clean according to your doctor’s instructions.

How Many Treatments Does FaceTite Require?

One treatment is usually not enough to achieve your desired results. On average, patients typically need three treatments to meet their goals.

Using FaceTite When You’re Older

A full facelift is a daunting prospect with a long recovery period. Even if you’re seeing more advanced signs of aging, you may be unwilling to face the risks associated with a more complete procedure.

Fortunately, FaceTite may still be able to help. Of course, the procedure is not designed to completely eradicate deep wrinkles, but it may help to reduce their appearance. In combination with an eyelid surgery in Orange County, FaceTite could help you achieve an altogether more youthful look with far fewer risks and a much shorter recovery.