How to Prolong Brow Lift Results

When matched with a top-notch oculoplastic surgeon, you will get top-notch results. Our Orange County brow lift options are some of the best in the area, offering both effectiveness and longevity. Since the signs of aging can appear almost overnight, it can be shocking when patients discover how far their brows have sunk from their original position. This loss of volume over time can make the face look tired, only enhancing the signs of aging even more.

How to Prolong Brow Lift Results

A brow lift is the perfect solution for anyone who wants both the cosmetic and medical benefits of surgical rejuvenation. While our procedures are designed to last a very long time, patients are still eager to learn how to prolong brow lift results using the best means. Today, we will guide you through some tips and tricks for understanding the brow lift process a little better.

Brow Lift Surgery: What to Expect

Brow lifts are fairly straightforward, although some steps must be taken during the consultation to make sure you are a good candidate. Almost anyone can be suitable for the procedure as long as they are dealing with drooping brows and sagging skin. Some young patients can qualify for the surgery, though the most common candidates are those in their 40s or 50s who are starting to experience some aging signs.

During the procedure itself, our surgeon will use endoscopic methods to guide small tools to the brow, pulling up the skin to help it retain its elasticity. Depending on the size of the incisions made, you may or may not have visible stitches during recovery. This surgery is a great way to get rid of unsightly crow’s feet, forehead lines, and creases.

Recovering from Brow Lift Surgery

Compared to other major surgeries, the recovery time for a brow lift is usually quite fast. In fact, most patients typically recover within 2 weeks following their in-office appointment. But that does not mean that the brows are 100% healed after this initial 2-week period. Internal healing can go on for months, meaning patients need to be careful around the surgery site and follow all aftercare instructions exactly as given. For the most part, our clients look forward to embracing a new, aesthetically vibrant facade in as little as 10 days.

How to Prolong Brow Lift Results: Key Steps

While our surgery options are designed to last for more than a decade, there are several things you can do to make sure your results stay beautiful for even longer. Avoiding direct exposure to the sun, for example, can help you avoid the damage that comes from UV light and weakens the skin.

Here are some other ways to boost the benefits of your brow lift:

Drink Water

Your doctor will tell you that you should drink plenty of water before, during, and after your brow lift. As the body heals, it needs the strength to give you the results you want as quickly as possible. Dehydration puts the immune system at risk, which could not only ruin the results of your procedure but can also cause you some additional health complications in the long run.

Invest in a Skincare Routine

Ask your surgeon about the most highly recommended skincare products that you can use to moisturize and revitalize your face. The skin stays elastic thanks to something called collagen, which usually naturally remains produced under the surface. As you get older, collagen starts to wear off, making it easier for wrinkles and folds to show up on top of the skin. Certain products can stimulate collagen production, helping your skin stay young.

Get Non-Surgical Fillers

A lot of patients choose to enhance and maintain the results of their brow lift surgery through a number of dermal filler options. Cosmetic fillers like Botox and laser skin therapy can keep your face looking smooth and tight on the surface while boosting its strength underneath. The more you spend time treating your skin right, the easier it will be for you to maintain a wrinkle-free appearance for many years to come.

Experience the Youthful Glow You Deserve – Explore a Brow Lift Today

OC Oculoplastic is Orange County’s #1 provider of brow lifts and other cosmetic procedures designed to enhance your health and happiness. If you are looking for a way to reduce the aged marks on your forehead and brows, you may be the perfect candidate for our innovative brow lift procedure. The first step is to contact our oculoplastic surgery office and schedule a one-on-one appointment with one of our specialists. From there, you will see how easy it is to completely rejuvenate the way you look.