Mid Facelift Versus Mini and Full Facelift

If you are considering a facelift, you might have a lot of questions about how the procedure works. Did you know that there are multiple types of facelift procedures available to our Newport Beach patients? Between full facelifts and mini facelifts, there are different ways you can restore youthfulness and self-confidence to your face. If you are ready to look at yourself differently in the mirror, you have come to the right place. Below, we cover a mid facelift versus mini and full facelift options.

Mid Facelift Versus Mini and Full Facelift

Today, specialists at Orange County’s best eyelid surgery center will talk about the benefits of a mid facelift in Newport Beach versus mini and full facelifts. Our goal: to give you the widest range of facelift options available on the market today. Whether you are looking to restore just a few features to your face or you want an entirely new facade, there is a special facelift available for you.

What Is a Mid Facelift?

While mini and full facelifts have heard discussion in wider circles, mid facelifts remain a little less known. Mid facelifts can also be called cheek lifts as they mostly focus on the outer areas of the face. The biggest reason why patients choose to go through with facelift procedures is to combat the signs of aging, reduce outer damage, and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out. The first area that can suffer from the visible signs of aging is the cheeks, with the outer parts of the face starting to wrinkle as the creases make their way inward.

Therefore, a mid facelift is a good option for those experiencing wrinkled or sagging cheeks and who want to avoid having jowls. Those in the early stages of aging may seek dermal fillers as a short-term treatment for cheek wrinkles, but a mid facelift can get rid of blemishes for years and years to come.

What Is a Mini Facelift?

Just like a mid facelift, a mini facelift works to reduce the signs of aging by lifting sags and wrinkles on the skin. Despite its name, a mini facelift is actually closer to a traditional or full facelift than a mid facelift. Mini facelifts take all the elements of a regular facelift and apply them to patients who do not need a dramatic shift in their appearance. Anyone with just a little bit of excess skin around the cheeks and eyelids might qualify for a mini facelift. This procedure uses fewer incisions and skin lifts than a regular full facelift.

What Is a Full Facelift?

Also called a traditional facelift, full facelifts are typically what people think of when they envision this procedure. A full facelift will consider the entirety of the face, using surgical techniques to get rid of wrinkles, lift skin sags, and rearrange certain features to create an all-around pleasing look.

Full facelifts are certainly the most intensive of the three facelift types and are typically reserved for patients with a lot of damage or those who are seeking a significant physical change. Full facelifts create results that can last for many, many years, so patients must understand what the procedure entails before they consent to it.

Who is a Good Candidate for Mid, Mini, or Full Facelift?

As each facelift provides a different set of results, candidacy is also determined differently in each scenario. A good candidate for a mid or mini facelift has a few blemishes. And they may not want a dramatic transformation. On the other hand, full facelifts prove the perfect option for people seeking major cosmetic restoration. Anyone looking to repair damaged skin and reduce the signs of aging can schedule a consultation with us. One of our medical specialists can work with you to see if a facelift is the right direction.

Good candidates for facelift surgeries are also:

  • In good general health
  • Non-smokers who do not drink alcohol often or at all
  • Over 18 and can fully understand the risks and side effects involved with surgery
  • Able to bring a friend or family member to the procedure to care for you during and after your operation
  • Understanding of the realistic results they will get

Facelifts can prove a straightforward process. But there remain plenty of other factors to consider when deciding about the procedure. If you end up willing to go under anesthesia to achieve the cosmetic look you desire, then this might prove the right treatment for you.

Visit Your Facelift Options with Us Today

Facelifts are highly customizable procedures that typically borrow techniques from other surgeries designed to improve the cosmetics of the face. If you are worried that the signs of aging are changing the way you look, you can ask about our facelift and eyelid surgery options when you give our friendly experts a call. The sooner you make a treatment plan for your skin, the easier it will be to get on the right track to good health.