How to Prolong Brow Lift Results

featured image fo rhow to prolong brow lift results

When matched with a top-notch oculoplastic surgeon, you will get top-notch results. Our Orange County brow lift options are some of the best in the area, offering both effectiveness and longevity. Since the signs of aging can appear almost overnight, it can be shocking when patients discover how far their brows have sunk from their … Read more

Should a Brow Lift Feel Tight?

featured image for article about if brow lift should feel tight

Undertaking major or minor surgeries of any degree of seriousness is bound to leave some kind of impact on the body, whether that’s in the long or short term. A common question we receive is: should a brow lift feel tight? Should a Brow Lift Feel Tight? In the case of a brow lift, there … Read more

What Is the Best Age for a Brow Lift?

concept of what is the best age for a brow lift

A brow lift can get rid of drooping eyelids, forehead wrinkles, and other lines that might make it difficult for you to achieve youthful rejuvenation. Patients who often visit their eyelid surgeon in Orange County feel they might be too young or too old for a brow lift procedure. So, what is the best age … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more