What to Expect from Your Mid-Facelift

You never notice fine lines until you look deep into the mirror. These early signs of aging can often be diminished with proper care. But what can you do about those wrinkles that have already deepened and etched into your facial skin?  When you start to show moderate and harsh signs of aging in the mid-face region, it’s best to look for solutions that will help you erase them. In many cases, the ideal option is the mid-facelift.

What Is a Mid-Facelift?
The mid-face is the area that includes everything from the corners of the eyes to the corners of the mouth. It includes your cheeks, nose, and the area above your upper lip. A mid-facelift procedure is suitable for you if you have deep nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, and down-turned corners of the lips.

The mid-facelift (often also known as the cheek lift) addresses sagging of the cheeks and its surrounding area. It elevates the malar fat pad in the cheek and provides fullness to the eye areas and the cheeks.

There are three different mid-facelift techniques used by Dr. Joseph: the endoscopic technique, the percutaneous approach, and the eyelid approach. With these methods, the mid-facelift procedure can correct upper-cheek hollowness, undereye bags, and nasolabial folds.

Your Mid-Facelift Consultation

It is crucial that you talk to Dr. Joseph about your medical history, any allergies you may have, any medications you are currently taking, and your aesthetic needs and goals before you opt for a mid-facelift procedure. This will take place during a consultation at our office.

During this consultation, Dr. Joseph will examine your facial structure and create a surgical plan for your procedure. He will answer any questions that you may have and will walk you through the procedure in detail.

What to Expect with a Mid-Facelift

Dr. Joseph usually uses the eyelid approach to mid-facelift surgery. This is also known as the direct method. During this method, anesthesia is first administered to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

After this has taken effect, an incision is made in the inside of each lower eyelid. After this, the main fat pad of the cheek is lifted to restore volume and smooth away wrinkles. Once the fat pads are properly positioned, the incisions are closed with the help of fine sutures.

Recovery After a Mid-Facelift

In the eyelid approach to a mid-facelift, there are no visible incisions and there is no loss of hair from the scalp. Bleeding is minimized, and a quicker recovery is offered than with more traditional facelift techniques.

Swelling, bruising, and pain are common, and these will subside with a few days. You may also experience numbness, which will diminish within a few days as well. Painkillers may be prescribed to make the recovery process easier.

Contact Us for a Mid-Facelift Consultation

A mid-facelift surgery is the perfect solution for people who have deep nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, and a tired and haggard appearance. If you’re interested in learning more about the surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation with ophthalmic reconstructive and plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Joseph today.