Why Choose a Mid Facelift?

Daily care plays a crucial role in achieving your aesthetic and wellness goals. Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, some signs of aging will still persist over time. This leads to a major dip in confidence, self-esteem, and physical wellness. Plastic surgery has become a valuable tool for many looking to improve their overall outlook. This is because it addresses concerns like wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and sagging skin. Different types of facelift options work towards boosting your confidence and well-being while providing long-lasting physical results. Below, we cover why to choose a mid facelift.

Why Choose a Mid Facelift?

Among the plastic surgery options available at the office of Dr. Jeffrey Joseph, traditional and mid facelifts are among the most popular. It is easy to schedule a consultation to talk about your needs, but understanding the whole surgery process can be overwhelming. If you are not sure where to begin, you might have a lot of questions about the facelift process. Does a facelift require full surgery? Are the results permanent? Why choose a mid facelift over a mini or traditional facelift? Keep reading to see the answers to all of these questions and more.

Types of Facelift Options

Depending on your personal cosmetic goals, you may be looking to make a few subtle changes to the contour of your face. Or, you might be looking forward to more severe adjustments that uplift your cheeks, eyelids, lips, and more. Different facelift opportunities provide varying results, allowing you to further customize your experience.

Traditional Facelifts

Ideal for those seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation, the traditional facelift is like several treatments in one package. From eyelid and cheek lifts to traditional forehead lifting, this procedure delivers an encompassing solution, crafting a contoured and youthful appearance. Traditional facelifts are what most patients think about when they imagine a facelift procedure.

Mini Facelifts

Some folks have become deterred from plastic surgery for fear of drastic changes. Our surgical staff has all people in mind, which is why we have developed techniques for non-traditional facelifts. A mini facelift, for example, takes some of the essential features of a regular facelift and applies them in small amounts. Mini facelifts typically produce no scarring as the incision is done near the hairline.

Mid Facelifts

For individuals desiring a more focused approach, the mid facelift hones in on the cheeks and features around the middle of the face. This is the perfect compromise between a standard and a mini facelift, adding the Goldilocks touch with the ideal mix of features. Mid facelifts are perfect for candidates who are experiencing wrinkling or sagging skin around the cheeks. Anyone who has gone through a major facial injury may also qualify for this kind of procedure.

How to Become a Candidate for a Mid Facelift

New or returning patients interested in learning more about mid facelifts are first encouraged to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Joseph. This one-on-one meeting is the perfect time to talk about your specific needs and explain what you want to get out of a facelift procedure. The doctor will then recommend one of our unique facelift types, depending on your aesthetic goals.

As long as you do not have any major medical complications or a history of adverse reactions to surgery, you should qualify as a candidate for any of our surgeries. A mid-facelift candidate will have characteristics such as:

  • Sagging and wrinkling skin on the cheeks and around the mouth area
  • Fat loss in areas of the face that used to be more supple
  • Hollow cheeks, heavy eyelids, and a sunken appearance
  • Overall good general health apart from the signs of aging
  • Realistic expectations about what the results of a mid-facelift will look like
  • A nearby friend or relative who can provide care and transportation after surgery
  • Healthy daily habits, and no smoking or drinking

It is easy to become a good candidate for any kind of facelift at OC Oculoplastic. You will be fully prepared with information about what to expect before, during, and after surgery. For example, you can expect a little bit of swelling and pain for the first few days after surgery. Pain medication is prescribed to ensure comfort during the healing process, and any additional concerns can be addressed with the surgeon.

Find Your Mid Facelift Surgeon Today

If you are in the market for a mid-facelift in Newport Beach, Dr. Jeffrey Joseph’s office offers premier services that might be perfect for you. All of our facelift options are centered around your health and aesthetic values, and we are confident that we can help you experience years of youthful rejuvenation. Contact our oculoplastic surgery office at your earliest convenience to schedule a personal appointment with us.